Saturday, March 28, 2015

A new semester and some new friends

This was originally written in the beginning/middle of February. It is now the end of March and I am just getting this up. The team I talk about, has come and gone and now we are settling back into our normal routines. I have been quite busy with this and that. I also had some computer issues for a while, and that is why I haven't gotten this out yet. But I still wanted to post it and I have added to it since then. I hope you enjoy!

Between 2/8 and 3/10

Wow! It has been an eventful semester already and it's only the middle of February!! I went home for Christmas break and had a WONDERFUL time with family, friends, friends that I count as family, and my precious nephew. I miss everyone dearly.

This semester has had some changes. We have Tess back! She was here for my first year just boarding at the school while finishing up her college degree and working. She then went home over the summer to raise support so she could be full time staff here. She came back the middle of Dec and is here as our social worker/office worker at this point. She also helps out with Juan in the evening.
There is also a gentleman named Philip here for the semester. He is from Canada but plans to come down each year to help out here. Since he is here, and he is a man and is also Deaf, Betsy and I felt it was GREAT for Juan to be with him in the evenings. Juan will be able to learn so much more from him than from me because he is both male and Deaf. So Juan is with Tess for free time and with Philip for the rest of the evening.

That means I am relieved of dorm duty. So what am I doing? I am working in the classroom with Betsy! For the first 3 weeks, I was interpreting math class with a teacher who came down with her husband for a month to escape the snow and to see if this is something they want to continue to do in the future. I interpreted in the morning, and then in the afternoon helped out in Betsy's class.
Since they have left, I have kind of been doing a bit of everything in Betsy's class.  Toward the beginning of the month of Feb, Betsy had to be in court for 2 days interpreting for someone, so I had to be in the classroom all by myself! Boy was that interesting! Not something that I expected was going to happen, but someone had to be there to teach the children while she wasn't here. Since then, I have been in the classroom by myself about 4 days now. Each time I get a bit nervous, but then I remember that I did it before and it shouldn't be that bad.

Also during that same week in the beginning of Feb, Philip's first grandchild was born, so he went back to Canada to meet the little one, and Tess and I shared dorm duty. Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED! I am SLOWLY getting used to being on a day schedule, so I still get tired easily. And then, with having Juan in the evening a few hours that week, it really wore me out. The tiredness has gotten better, but nonetheless, I still have to get adjusted.

Learning to give up control with Juan was challenging for me also. When you do something for a year and a half and then someone else comes in to take over, it is very hard to relinquish control of things if they don't do things the same way you do, which how often does that happen?!?! Sometimes I still have some trouble with this, but I am learning that there are so many things that he needs to learn and that we have been and are working on, that it is ok to say something that is new and has only shown up 1-2 times before. It's all a process.

As much as I like having a break from him, and feel as though it is much needed for both of us (as he has become dependent on me and pretends he doesn't know things when I am around sometimes), with having him for that one week in the evening, it has made me realized that I do miss some things we shared during dorm time. I miss praying with him, and giving him goodnight hugs and kisses, and saying goodnight and I love you.  Unless I am upset with him, he always smiles during this time and spells H-U-G and K-I-S-S after I do each one. He really is such a happy carefree boy. And that gives me much joy to see him smile, spell those words, and say "I love you too" before he goes to bed. But I am enjoying having my evenings off. :)

Unfortunately because of different reasons, I still haven't gotten into a routine in the evenings yet. I so desperately want, and need that though and I am hoping if comes quickly because we have so many visitors this semester. With visitors here, there is always something happening, whether it is going to the beach, rain forest, store, out to eat, etc. I often am always running when people are here. I hope I am able to find a good balance between being with them, and being by myself as the semester goes on. I don't want to get worn out quickly by not taking time for me when I need it. So many times I get wrapped up in what the visitors are doing, since they are only here for a certain amount of time, that I forget that I need time to myself also so that I am able to be good company when they are here.
So pray for me. There is only about two weeks this semester that aren't occupied with people being here. One is this full week (last week in Feb) and the other is scattered, a few days here and there. I love visitors, but I just need to find the balance of when to commune with them and when to shut my door and hide away so that I get filled with Him and His peace, and not get burnt out.


As I woke up this morning to get ready for church, it was the first time in the last nine days that it was quiet. We were blessed this past week with a group from Lancaster Bible College. I must admit, before they came, I had mixed feelings about them. We have had visitor after visitor this semester and although it is wonderful to have people come and give of their time and skills, it is very tiring for us staff. Trying to keep up after them, make sure they are doing ok, have everything they need, spend time with them, take them places, etc, is a lot of work besides our normal everyday work. Thankfully, this was the first group this semester as others have just been 1-2 people at a time. But before they came, I didn't know if I was ready for a group of 14 people to come, as well as all the work that is involved in them coming. But it didn't matter, because they came, and now that they are gone, my life is changed because of them and I am so glad they did come. I am super exhausted from them being here, but the impact they had on my life was totally worth it.

Ice cream twins :)
It is amazing how much a person/people can impact your life in a short time. I said this a few times since being here, but it really is true. Normally, I have a small connection to one of the girls because the boys are younger and immature and just don't care to talk to a 'old woman.' But with this group, I was impacted more by the guys than the girls. There were 7 guys, 5 girls, and 2 leaders, one of each sex. I had the pleasure of sharing my walls with the boys this week, and it felt weird to not hear them rustling around, talking, and getting ready today. Watching and hearing the guys just unite over the week was so joyful to see. The team didn't have cell phones, because they all decided to leave them behind while on the trip, and the boys knew the unity among them was because they had no access to social media or communication to their friends and family back home. So they talked and goofed off with each other instead of being on their phones.

Their willingness to do hard manual labor and pretty much whatever was asked of them, was awesome. To be on the receiving side of that was so nice. I didn't get the talking under their breath, the rolling of the eyes, or the slight attitude that has happened at times with other groups. And I didn't hear any complaining from any of them about the work they were doing throughout the whole week. In response to something they had forgot to do, needed to be done again, or needed to do be added to their list was always "Sure, I'll get right on that." or "Ok, I'll make sure I do it tomorrow." There was never a sigh of "Ugh, lady we know, just get out of our way and let us do it." And that was MUCH appreciated.

It was also sweet to see that they tried to act like gentlemen when I was around. There was a few times that they didn't know I was near, and one would say something to the other that would be typical guy behavior, but then when they knew I was there, they'd apologize and kind of get a bit embarrassed. Or they'd be talking and when I would come up to ask them something, they would lower their voice or just stop talking so I wouldn't hear the "boy talk" happening. That was a reassurance that someone has raised them right, and that God is working on their hearts and they know how to act when a lady is around.

Sunrise with the group
Throughout the week while getting ready in the morning, I'd look out my window and would see a few of the guys do their devos out back in the stillness and quietness of the morning before the day started. That was so heartwarming to see. Most times, if at all, you see the girls do this more than the boys because sometimes guys think that it 'isn't cool' to spend time in the Bible and pray when they are around other guys. But to see that these guys' focus was on the Lord first, and then other things was very touching to me. It gave me a new hope in men, and made me believe that God is still raising up godly men for Himself. They all made me excited to meet my future husband because they  were examples of what godly men should be like and showed me that God is still at work in the men of this world (which I know He is but to see if in front of you, gives you new assurance :)).

I did have some connections with the girls too, but because there was fewer of them, 2 worked in the classroom almost all week, and where they were staying, I interacted more with the guys. Some of the girls impacted me too, though. Their story's and life experiences up until this point in their lives, was awesome to hear. And from hearing them, I was able to share some of my experiences and/or wisdom about some situations with them, which then made us grow closer. This group of ladies was great too! They seemed to not mind doing anything that was asked of them either. Also girls, many times, can be drama queens and/or create drama amongst others in the team, but these girls didn't. They were all sweet and got along well with everyone. That was also nice to see.

Everyone of them, touched my heart/life in some way while they were here. None of us were ready for them to leave. The work they did was done properly, quickly, and without complaint. And now it is a week later almost, 3/28/15, and I still think of them. I'm so glad they are only 45ish minutes away from my home in PA and hope that I get to see them over the summer when I am there. :)

Bonfire on my birthday!

Some things to pray about, if don't mind.  I appreciate it!
-Strength for each day.
-Wisdom and knowledge for the different jobs I do in the classroom and the days I teach alone (as this semester is filled with times Betsy needs to be out of the classroom for different things).
-I am able to discipline myself to learn a few new things this semester.
-I am continuingly showing God's love and grace to those around me.
-For my homesickness. This semester is the worst.
-I would hear His voice about a few things I am praying about.
-I am able to rest, rest, rest this week of vacation. My mind, body, and spirit need it. It came at a perfect time.

Father, thank You. For a good start to a new semester. For the chance to do something new. For the ability to do that something new. For the strength to face the fear of teaching (and have someone that forces me to face it). For the new things that I am taking an interest in and the ability to learn them. For the people you send in our lives at just the moments we need, for that encouragement, reassurance, and example of You and Your work. And so much more. You are so good to me and continue to bless me each day. Even if I don't see your blessings, I feel them, and for that I thank You too. I give you glory and honor. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 

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