Saturday, May 28, 2016

The End Has Come

May 3

It is now May. How did that happen?? I feel like it was just March and I turned over my Charlie Brown calendar to April, and now it is May and we have less than 3 weeks left of school. WHAT??  Seriously. How did this happen??

The whole month of March, I was so exhausted every day. I don't know why. I don't know what from, but it really got to me. Then, once I kind of felt like it was getting better it was April and some very special visitors came. With their presence here, I felt like I needed to be with them as much as I could. But I knew when I needed to be by myself and I made sure to take time to rest while they were here. This is something that God has taught me during my time here. When I first came, I felt like I had to be doing everything with everyone. As time went on and visitors came and went, I slowly learned that I needed to be by myself at times. I learned how to manage my time when teams and visitors came, spending time with them when I wanted and hiding away in my room when I needed. I thank God for that. I hated to be alone before I came here, but now I know I need it and sometimes I enjoy it. ;)

So what happened to April? With me being so tired in March, was April just me getting back into the swing of things? Maybe... Actually, I had to get adjusted to my new duties after Easter break with the start of me teaching Yajaira. So much went on in April, too. Maybe that was part of the reason it seemed to slip by? I don't know, but now it is May, and I am still not sure how that occured. Time goes by so fast, everywhere really, but here it seems to go by faster. There is always so much going on, things planned and changed, things coming up at the last minute, etc. I just go with the flow. Many times that means I don't really pay attention to the days and they just slip by... I don't know if that is a good thing or not!

Anyway, there are only 12 days left of school, but really less than that since we have bell performances and end of the year activities planned. I'm kind of feeling rushed to get done what I planned for my reading class. With the way things come up, I am praying that the things I'd like to do get finished before May 19. I also feel pressed for time with Yajaira. I feel like we do pretty much the same things everyday in math, but I am praying that what I am teaching her, she retains, and next year when she comes back, she just has to be reminded of things and can pick back up pretty quickly. Sometimes I feel like, "what's the use?" with her. But God has really given me the desire to keep on teaching her, even if it is the same things over and over. I am trying to be persistent and trust that what I am doing is making a difference in her life. I have seen improvements, but it is still especially hard since it is the end of the school year. In just 2 weeks, the students pack up their stuff and go home for the summer. For most kids, summer break isn't a problem. But for a few of the students here, summer break is more of a hindrance than a help for their brains. Yes, they need a break just like everyone else, but many times deaf children aren't getting much stimulation or learning done at home. Most times, at least for these children, they sit at home in front of a TV and watch endless hours of nonsense or play video games which causes them to totally backslide. So by the time August comes and a new year starts, we have to re-teach everything that was taught the last few months of the year before, and then by the time that is re-taught, it is Thanksgiving and the Christmas season begins and not much is learned around Christmas time. They are all excited and thinking about what 'Santa' will bring them.

Deaf children, especially in Puerto Rico, are already at a disadvantage because they can't hear. But not being able to hear isn't really the issue. The issue is that language isn't being learned. And with 90% of Deaf children having hearing parents, their language development is, in many cases, very delayed because 1. the parents don't know their child is Deaf until a bit later in life, so their child isn't exposed to language for the first few years of their life; 2. many parents don't take the initiative to learn ASL, causing their child to not be able to communicate at home, therefore further delaying their language development. And if they can't communicate at home, what else is there to do except for sit in front of the television?

Pray for our students. That as they go home for the summer, their minds would hold the things they learned this year. That when they come back, there is less time re-teaching and more actual teaching and learning that happens. As I said, I am a bit concerned that all the stuff I am teaching Yajaira now, will be gone in August when she returns. Pray with me this won't be the case and that when she returns, she will remember all the Spanish words she learned this year as well as how to count money, tell time, and trade/borrow when subtracting. These seem like very simple tasks for anyone, but for her it takes time to explain how to do something, and then even more time of repetitious practice until she finally understands it on her own. And if it isn't practiced often, she forgets it again. We wonder if there is something else going on in her brain that is causing that delay. Or is it just that she has lived all her life up until recently without having to use her brain the way she is now? We probably will never figure out the answer. But she has shown such a desire to want to learn over these last two months and the progress that she made proves that. Many times she asks me if she can have math homework and she is always wanting to do the workbook that goes along with the reading program. I pray this desire continues and that the work we gave her to do over the summer, she completes and even goes over a few times to practice more and more.

I have been enjoying teaching her as time goes on. She makes teaching fun because she is always doing something silly and making me laugh. And with her desire to learn, she hasn't had many times that she complained or has said, "This is hard. I can't do this." When she has said that, I would encourage her and tell her the things I was teaching her were things she has done before and I know she can do it. Sometimes a little reminder of going back to work and not being a student helped too. ;-) So please pray for her. Pray for next year too, that whomever teaches her would have more knowledge and wisdom to get the point across so she understands easier.

I praise God we are able to teach the five students we do. If they were in the public school system here, they would most likely fall through the cracks. Puerto Rico is very uneducated about Deaf people, and lack services for proper communication for them. In the states, there are agencies with well educated interpreters for the Deaf to call and request when needed for doctor visits, conferences, court hearings, etc. Here, there is one, maybe two, agencies that I know of. And from what I have seen, there are only a handful or two of people who are skilled in ASL and able to interpret properly. Many of the university students that I have meet over my time here don't have a good knowledge of ASL, but yet they are able to become interpreters for the Deaf in PR. So many of the children that are mainstreamed (in public schools) sit in class with an interpreter that isn't skilled nor well educated about Deaf people trying to learn, but many times are just told to copy what the teacher wrote on the board and actually don't learn at all. To be able to have the students we do, educating them on how to read, write in English, learn Science, S.S., Math, and many other things, is awesome. I am so grateful that this school exists and that I am able to help disprove the myths that so many people here think about Deaf children/people.

So with all that said, pray for the people here. That they would be educated properly about the Deaf and would realize that Deaf people are just like everyone else. They can learn to read and become great assets to their communities. Pray also that our students can grow up to become successful people and are able to educate Puerto Rico on Deafness and show that they did what many have thought and said they couldn't.

May 16

There are three days left, but actually one day of actual school. Tomorrow is a field trip to a University for a performance done in Sign Language. Thursday is the last day of school celebration and lunch with the students and their families. Wednesday will be filled with finishing up class work, tests, cleaning their desks, and probably some fun games or something if there's time. So this is it. It's over, done. I can't believe it. I feel like I just came back from Christmas break a few short weeks ago, like I just celebrated my birthday which was in the middle of March, and now it's the end of the semester. Seriously. Did someone push a fast forward button on the remote of life and not inform me??

After this week, comes the week of staff thoughts and input on things we've noticed that may  be helpful for teaching the students next year, major cleaning, and the time of the dreaded 'goodbyes'. This year will be different for sure. The Yoders are moving back to the states, so things around here will definitely change. No more calling Brendan when something is broke, clogged, out of whack, not connected (i.e. the internet), etc. No more random new doohickey placed somewhere by him offering a wonderful help and leaving us thinking, "Why didn't I think of that??" or "Wow. That was surely creative." No more wonderful food, both sweet and not so sweet made by Rebekah. No more conversations with her that normally uplift my soul and bless me after they happen. And certainly no more children's screams of either being rebellious, in pain, or most of all, joy and laughter. Those will be the things I will miss most without them around.

Also leaving are Abby, the Jr. missionary that has been here from the beginning of the semester, as well as my wonderful roommate, Christie. She has been here since August and will be returning to Canada the second week of June. And then there's me. Yes, I will be leaving too. So not only am I saying goodbye to those leaving, I will also be saying bye to those staying. This is going to be hard. For the last three years, I've called this place my home. For the last three years, I've grown to love each staff person that has come through here, as well as each student. For the last three years, I've been involved in my church, serving on their worship team and participating in the women's ministry and other activities, growing to love my pastor and the people in the congregation. For the last three years, I've been able to drive about 10 miles to the beautiful rainforest to view part of the awesomeness of our God, and only 4 miles to see and enjoy the gorgeous beaches that have an array of blue ocean waters to swim in. And even in the tough times of the last three years, those times when I wanted to be home and not here, I knew this was the exact place God wanted me to be because I always saw and felt His blessings and for that, I've been grateful. This is going to be difficult, have I said that already?

So what next? I don't know. Honestly, I have no clue. All I know is my time here is up. God has made it very clear that this be my last semester and I should return home to PA. As far as what is to come when I get there, I have not a thought in my mind. It's so hard to see my life outside of here. I don't have much sense of what life back home looks like. Obviously, it will be filled with seeing friends and family more often than when I was here, but as far as a job, where I will live, what I will drive, etc, no clue. I can't see much past the first few days of June, because that is when the last things written on my schedule are. I will be staying a bit longer here to clean up, prepare things for the next teacher, and take some, hopefully, quiet, relaxing days of rest and processing before heading home.

So with all that said, I ask that you pray for me. Pray the Lord shows me exactly what He wants me to do. Pray He speaks very clearly what His will is next for my life. This is one of those 'fully rely on God' situations, and I honestly don't have any other choice but to do that. I mean, I guess I could worry myself sick, but why? He is the One that called me here and had me stay for the last three years. He's the One that has been faithful throughout those years. And He's the One that has called me to leave. Why would He fail me now?? He wouldn't, because I am His child and He loves me. He will work everything out, I have no doubt about it. I am a bit concerned about what is to come though, only because I don't know yet, but I know He will lead me in the direction I am to go. But I ask you to pray with me as these next few months happen. Going home without a job lined up and no source of income is scary.  Not knowing what my next thing will be is a bit daunting. Transitioning from life here to life back home will be overwhelming, to say the least. Finding my place there again is going to be interesting, and will probably take some time. Knowing me, it will take longer than I expect. So again, I ask that you pray for me through this time.

I know it is not going to be easy to say goodbye to here and all the wonderful people I have met and now are a part of my journey. I do plan to come back and visit as God allows. This place will always have a special place in my heart, but I know it is up to Him and His plans for my life as to whether or not that will happen. I hope it does so that I am able to see how the students will grow and mature, how they will change, how they will allow God to work in their lives.

I have said this before and I'll say it again- I am grateful to our Father for allowing me to live the life I have here. He has blessed me so much during my service here and I am so very thankful. How many people can say the Lord called them to serve Him in a beautiful place such as this? How many people get to enjoy warm weather, beautiful wildlife, nature, and beaches pretty much whenever they want? How many people have the privilege to work with other Christians toward a common goal, being uplifted, encouraged, and prayed for by one another through life's trials and chaos? My time here wasn't all hunky-dory, fine and dandy, enjoying God's beautiful creation and other things whenever I wanted to, though. There were some days I thought I was in 'hell'. But God used those days to strength me into the person He wanted me to be and I am grateful He did.

So again, pray for all this. For the Yoders, as they leave next week to a new place and home. For Christie, as she goes back to Canada and her old job. She has things on her heart that she wants to do, so pray for a clear vision of those things, and the opportunity to do them. Pray for Abby as she heads back to PA also, wondering the same thing I am-what's next? Pray for the staff that will stay-Betsy, Lora, and Tess. Philip also, when his six months in Canada is up and he is allowed to come back. Pray for the next workers that God will bring here. That He will already start to work in their hearts for their time here. Pray for His Spirit to be so powerful on this place, that every person that walks onto the school grounds would know that this is a place that serves God above all else. Pray for the student's families, that they would see the work the Lord is doing in their children's lives and would come to accept Christ, or recommit their lives to Him. Pray for the students, not only for their summer break, but for their future. That their eyes and hearts would be open more to who God is and what He has done for them. Pray for future students, that they would find this place and while attending here, they would grow in knowledge of Jesus Christ and the wonderful gift of salvation He gives us.

Just... pray.

Heavenly Father, what else can I say but thank You? You are just so wonderful and sometimes I feel as though those two words aren't enough. But because I can't think of any other words that would even begin to bring You glory and honor, I say thank You. Thank You for my time here. Thank You for Your blessings. Thank You for Your Son. Thank You for my salvation. Thank You for Your love. Thank You, Father. Amen.

UPDATE: The last day of school came and went, and was such a lovely day. The Yoders left Monday and are now setting into their new home in a new town. Abby has flown back to Pennsylvania and is now being challenged with life there. Christie, Lora, Tess, Betsy and I are focusing on a Silent Workshop coming up this week, as well as one of the student's 15th birthday. After that, Lora and Betsy will fly to their home town's to spend a few weeks with family and friends before returning here for the rest of summer preparing things for the new school year. Christie will fly in about 2 weeks, leaving me and Tess here until I fly closer to middle/end of the month. Lots going on, so remember - please pray! :-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Started March 13,  finished March 26 (but not edited),  added to April 9,  edited May 8

So here it is again, the middle of the semester and I haven't written anything to keep you updated with my life here. To be honest, since Betsy went away in November up until now, it's been kind of rough, causing me to not really want to write. I apologize about that. Things are getting better and with the recent visitors, I really felt like I needed to share.

One thing that God has been teaching me over these last few months is to have less expectations. You would think I would know this by now because I have been in a place in the past that did not meet my expectations and I was quite disappointed. So much so that I wanted to give up everything to just get out of the situation. I was even in a different country and wanted to come home because my expectations weren't being met. It really was an awakening experience, because who, in their right mind, would want to leave a beautiful place they've never seen before because a few expectations weren't being met?? I did, until I realized that was foolish! But here I am, years later, still falling into that disappointment of unmet expectations. But isn't that just like us humans? Thinking we learned something, only to find out later that we really didn't learn anything and/or are troubled by it again...

I've said this a few times before but I keep being reminded how true it really is: It's amazing how people can have such an impact on your life in such a short amount of time. God seems to work through the people that He brings here to allow me to see and know Him more and the power that He has. When thought about, I am in awe. It just is greater proof that we really ARE a part of His family!

What's the reason I say that again, and how does expectations fit into that? From the 4th to the 12th of March, Lancaster Bible College was back for the second time. They were here last March and I was excited to hear they would be returning. Earlier this year we got word that the male leader wasn't going to be here this year because he got a new job. I was hopeful, though, that someone on the trip from last year would be returning, but when I got the list of names, I realized that the only person I would know would be the female leader. I was excited that I was going to see her, but I knew it was going to be different since none of the same people would be back. Even though I knew it would be different, I still had a few expectations. I didn't have many (or so I thought) but they were still there. It's hard not to when people from the same college, organization, group, etc, return.

Last year when they were here, I was in charge of making sure the work they were doing got done. Because of that experience, Betsy asked me to make some plans for them before they had arrived. In doing so, I made them according to the schedule they had last year [expectations]. But as it much often does, the schedule was changed before they even got here.

As we were preparing for them, and them preparing for here, we got news that the female leader wasn't going to be able to make it after all. There was a family health issue causing her to have to stay home. Which meant, we didn't know who was going to be leading the girls. This made me a bit apprehensive since there probably wasn't going to be anyone I knew on the trip. About 2 days before they arrived, we found out the girl's leader would be Denae, one of the girls from last year that has recently graduated. I was happy to know she would be returning. Yay for someone I knew! But with the knowledge of her return, my expectations continued.

With the schedule changing, as well as the female leader, even though I knew this one, I kept telling myself it wasn't going to be like last year. But I honestly didn't realize how many expectations I put on this year's team until closer to the end of the week, and even more now as I sit down to write this. Some of the expectations I had were: I thought I would be able to interact with everyone on the team like I did last year. I thought we'd hangout some playing games and just chatting in the evenings. I thought that more deep conversations would happen. Last year, I was able to connect with everyone on the team at some point or another throughout the week. This year, that just didn't happen because of different reasons.  

On Saturday, they were supposed to start work and Lora and I were to tag team leading them. I woke up not feeling well at all, causing me to be in bad half the day. Then on Monday, Betsy got sick and I had to be in her classroom for her. So, me helping to head up the team didn't happen. Which meant those one-on-one chats that happened last year didn't really occur either. The few deep conversations that did happen were mainly with the same people; most of them being with the guys rather than the girls. With my apartment being in the same building as them, conversations happened on the porch, or just in passing by, as well as some at meal times. And because of the circumstances listed above, interactions with many of the girls just didn't happen and I am sad they didn't. But still in just 9 short days, the impact that a few of the guys has made on my life is really something. I honestly can't get over it. It truly is amazing.

Back to the expectations. All throughout that week, God was telling me, "Stop with the expectations. That is how you become disappointed." Which was true. It happened before, and I'm sure will happen again... This team wasn't the same as last year. But I realized that was okay. They weren't made to be. They were both unique in their own way. And everyone, on both teams, was created to be special by our great God, bringing different talents and skills here. One team wasn't better than the other, they were just different. And I needed to stop expecting them to be the same.

March 26:  It's been two weeks since they've gone back to PA and I still feel like something is missing at times. There are still times I sit on my porch expecting to see or hear them. At times, I still walk into the cafeteria expecting it to be full of people. And even though I didn't get to talk with some of the girls much, their laughter and joy really are missed. I enjoyed watching them interact with one another, and I loved seeing their smiles. They are missed today just as much as the guys.

I will leave you with something one of them said the last night they were here, "This is all because of Jesus. The deep conversations, the reason to come here, the relationships that were made. It's all because of Jesus." How true is that?! If it weren't for Jesus, how would have that week went? If it weren't for Jesus, the close connections that some of us made would most likely not be there. If it weren't for Jesus, some of the team members wouldn't have influenced my life as much. And because of Jesus, we all belong to the same family, the same Father. Even though I miss them, I know I will see all of them someday in Heaven! We will be able to praise Him together for eternity! SO exciting!!

I am grateful for the impression this team had on me - grateful to them and to God - even if my expectations weren't met! ;) 


April 9: Since then, things have slowly gotten back to normal... well, kind of. This semester, we started Yajaira out kind of like a work study-she worked during the day and had classes at night. Before we took the girls home for Easter, she asked if she could come back to school as a student. Betsy agreed which has led me to be her teacher for reading and math. So last week, after Easter break, I started teaching everyday in the mornings, where as before, I was only teaching a few days a week. I guess I didn't tell you how that changed either...

Well, over Christmas break, my mom and I were in a car accident. Nothing too terribly wrong with us, but because of some injuries, I didn't make it back here until close to the end of January. School started on Jan 12, and because I wasn't here, Abby, a Jr. missionary for this semester, was asked to teach reading while I was gone. When I came back, I was given the option to teach Math, because Tess was doing both teaching and office work, or teach my one class of reading, help out in Betsy's class the other times, and then help out in the dorm. I opted for the latter, which freed me up to be able to teach Yajaira now. (Not. expected. at. all. Nothing in this paragraph! ;-) )

So now I teach her 2 classes in the morning, and every other day, I still do my reading class with Larimar and Mizael. So, I've been busy trying to figure out what she needs to learn, as well as how I can teach her to learn it. Things in the past that she should already know, she has forgotten, so I'm having to teach her those things again. And I also have one night of dorm duty during the week, and a shift on the weekends when the girls are here. Now, I'm adjusting to this schedule and the challenges it brings. But God is so good to me. His blessings are ever so near every day, and I praise Him for them.

Things to pray for:

~Recently, there has been quite a few mentions of deaf children in a few different places on the island. We are trying to be in contact with them to let them know about the school and the services we provide. Please pray that God's will would be done in these situations.

~Since the end of March, a young Deaf mother and her 3 young children have been coming to the school off and on for a few hours a day. Pray as we figure out what is best for them all.

~With those 2 things in mind, pray for more teachers/staff to serve here. If all these students were to come here next year, more teachers and staff will be needed to fulfill the different duties here.

~Transitions- quite a few people will be leaving this year/semester. So pray for all of us as we each go back to our hometowns, new places God has called us to, or stay here to continue His work at the school. Pray for people to come fulfill the duties of those that are leaving.

Thank you for stopping by, and I am sorry once again this is so late. It's always so BUSY! BUSY! BUSY! And I tend to be one that has to edit my writings a million times before posting. And because it was a while ago that I started it, I felt like I kept having to add more to make it up to date. Well, I finally said "That's it!" and decided to edit and post it! Hope you enjoy!

Father God, thank You for the ways You remind me of Your love and presence. Thank You for the people You bring in and out of my life while I am here. I am blessed by them. Thank You for Your lessons and how You teach me through various things. You never fail, and I am so grateful for that. Thank You for Your love. I praise You, Amen.